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For many people, spirituality touches all aspects of life. Spiritual direction, or "spiritual companionship," as it is often called, names and amplifies the awareness of the fullness of life. While the word 'director' seems to suggest a top-down approach to spirituality, what a spiritual director does with a directee is far from top-down in an interpersonal sense. Spiritual direction is often symbolized by three chairs: one for the director, one for the participant, and then an extra chair. While some directees in the Judeo-Christian tradition like to guess that the third chair is a display of hospitality for Elijah, the third chair indicates welcoming God into the middle of the spiritual conversation.
What's the difference between spiritual direction and, say, life coaching?
Confidentiality is foundational in a director-directee relationship. To that end, anything said during a spiritual direction session will remain private and confidential in all circumstances, excluding disclosures that the directee is hurting someone or being hurt by someone. As a mandated reporter, Daniel will guide the directee through the process of contacting the proper authorities in compliance with the law.